What to do when Bad Habits Take Hold

A Kid's Guide to Overcoming Nail Biting and More by Dawn Huebner and Illustrated by Bonnie Matthews.

Does your child struggles with any of the following bad habits?

  • Nail Bitting
  • Thumb Sucking
  • Hair Twirling
  • Scab Picking
  • Shirt Chewing

You probably know those bad habits are hard to stop and can cause com embarrassment as well. Your kids probably keep getting in trouble and you are running our of ideas. Well, in this title Dr. Down Huebner PhD. a clinical psychologists in Exceter, New Hampshire share useful strategies to manage those bad habits.

It provides keys to scape from a variety of pesky habits. Engaging examples, lively illustrations and step-by-step instructions teach kids some essential habit-busting strategies.  


Other tittles in this series

  1. What to do When you Worry too Much
  2. What to do When you Temper Flares
  3. What to do When your Brain Get's Stuck
  4. What to do When you Grumble too Much
  5. What to do When you Dread your Bed

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