We are proud to introduce four new books published by Quirky Kid. This engaging, humorous and intelligent series will assist young readers to navigate key early childhood presentations like manners, nightmares, greetings and politeness as well as sharing and turn-taking.
Filled with engaging illustrations and packed with useful strategies, this series will certainly engage not only little ones but parents and professionals too! This pack includes one copy of each book in the series, and comes with a discount of 10%.
Introducing our newest, biggest and BEST Quirky Kid Pack. This bundle includes every book and therapeutic resource we at Quirky Kid have released to this day. With 22% off, this...
The Growth mindset workbook by - Dr Kimberley O'Brien - is part of a collection of five books and workbooks, published by Hodder Education UK, for the International Baccalaureate® (IB) programmes Primary Years Programme...
The latest resource published by Quirky Kid: How to Be a Friend: a Guide to Making Friends and Keeping Them.We are so proud to launch this new resource written and...